Fund Management
Saigon Asset Management (SAM)
Factsheets of funds under management
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Vietnam Data Center Fund (VDCF) Factsheet
Fund Name
Vietnam Data Center Fund (VDCF)
Target Size
US$300 million
Fund Structure
General Partner
Saigon Asset Management (SAM)
Fund Domicile
Fund Geography
Investment Rationales
Demand for data center is at its all time high in Southeast Asia.
Vietnam is a key location for hyperscalers to establish hubs and local zones due to limitations in Singapore and Malaysia.
Hyperscalers’ deterrent from coming into Vietnam include regulatory issues, land, power, and trusted local partners.
SAM is well-positioned to meet all these demands, and has launched SAM DigtalHub, the largest data center campus in Vietnam.
To invest in data center facilities, operations, and related asset in Vietnam as well as within SAM DigitalHub
Establish strategic partnerships with top telcos, hyperscalers, and data center service providers (done).
Launch a major data center campus (done), ensuring readiness of licenses, land, licenses, and power per hyperscalers' specs.
Invest a significant minority in hyperscalers’ data center.
Exit within 3 to 5 years, aiming for a premium IRR
Asset Allocation
Invest up to 8 to 12 data centers
$20m to $40m in each data center
Investment Horizon
5 years
Realization & Exit
IPO or M&A
Listing of project entities
Distributable cash
Target IRR
Minimum of 20% per annum in USD (net of all fees and expenses)
Fee Structure
Management Fee TBD
Performance Fee (above the hurdle rate) TBD
Hurdle Rate
Custodian & Administrator
Fund Term
7 years
Initial Close Date
December 31st, 2025
Final Closing
Within 6 months of Initial Closing
Information and Subscription Contact
Tracy Tang – Investor Relations IR@saigonam.com