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Our Purposes, Values, and Comitments

Our Purpose

We aim to be Vietnam’s most exceptional boutique financial institution, supported by our shared values of integrity, performance, and partnership.

With over 15 years of experience working with Vietnam’s leading businesses, entrepreneurs, and institutions, we mobilize our people, culture, technologies, and ideas to assist in value creation for our portfolio companies, investors, and clients.

Our Values


We hold ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards, insisting on transparency and vigilance from our people as we learn from our experiences and make decisions that instil a sense of pride in our firm.


We aspire to excellence, striving for exceptional performance and superior results for our investors, portfolio companies, and communities.


Partnerships are essential for our businesses to remain competitive and grow. By partnering with our portfolio companies, our investors, our peers, and our network of domain experts, we can together expand our reach, tap into new markets, and create real sustainable values.

Our Commitment

SAM is committed to the Responsible and Sustainable Investments Strategy, which includes:

Responsible Strategy

Our investments should avoid harming our investors:

Mitigate risky ESG practices in order to protect the value of the company​

Consider and analyze ESG factors as part of fundamental investment decision-making.​

Sustainable Strategy

Our investments should create ESG benefits:

Adopt progressive ESG practices that enhance value​​.

Ownership rights can be used to push for and encourage change.

In addition, we are aligned with IFC’s Performance Standards and Equator Principles IV.

Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

We consider our size an asset that we try hard to preserve.

We want to be big enough to undertake the largest project that any of our clients could contemplate, yet small enough to maintain the loyalty, the intimacy and the esprit de corps that we all treasure and that contribute greatly to our success.

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